Thursday, March 11, 2010

Allagash White

Allagash White is from the Allagash brewing company of Portland Maine. It's a Belgian style wheat beer brewed with mysterious "spices" . You know, they should maybe list some of these spices. What if your allergic to to or just really hate, say coriander. It would be nice to get some heads up. The white pours out a very cloudy pale yellow that in the right light looks white-ish. Lots of hop up front than cardamom spice, followed by a little more hop bite, than orange and yeast on a lengthy finish. This stuff has an impressively complex flavor profile, and I do like the medium body and extensive mouth. While I admire the complexity and range of flavors that doesn't make something inherently good. The more I drink it, the more I lose some of the other flavors and am getting a strong bitter yeast flavor that I don't like. Oh, and it's 8 bucks for a 4-pack.
Now it's time for a rant. This stuff illustrates a major problem I have with wine and beer snobs. You will often hear a pricey wine as having hints of cherry, vanilla, blackberry jam, mineral, tar, leather, aluminum, spice, naked mole rat, and blogger. Sure that's really complex, but that doesn't mean it's any fucking good. I've had several wines that fancy wine mag's said were great, that I thought sucked. And bonus, you get to pay more for the crap. Here ends the rant, for now.
Back to the subject at hand. I see how some people could really like this beer, but I suspect more people pretend to like it, because it's expensive and complex. Next, I'm going to try a different white beer and see if it can measure up to the black ( see Sam Adam's Black Lager). One more thing, since this beer's from Maine I need to in some way make fun of the state and the people who live in it. But all I can think of is lobsters, because that's all there is.

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