This is, alas, the last of our North Carolina beers before I leave the Outer Banks, and return to the spring beer tourney. It's been awesome looking into the beers of this area and just hanging out on the beach. I'll be back to explore the local beers again soon. So finally, we have another entry from The Duck Rabbit Brewery of Farmville North Carolina. This is a nice dark amber to copper pour with caramel, bitters and yeast on the nose. The flavors are very nice, strong caramel and big malts. There are goodly hops zinging throughout, which are tingly on the tongue. But the mantra of this beer is balance. Everything aligns in perfect harmony to create a delicious amber ale. Duck Rabbit does nothing special they just create classic styles very well. I'm impressed. I will now compose another haiku about my love for this beer.
Dark amber, moon light
Quaffing the goodness of malt
The Duck completes me
Duck Rabbit
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