This is the second of the non-N.C. New Belgium beers for our drinking pleasure. Mighty Arrow Pale Ale is apparently a Spring beer, although I had to go to their website to figure that out. It pours out a clear medium gold, not very pale. The nose is well, a lot of bitter hop. There's also some honey apple scents, although well disguised. I feared the hops would overwhelm, but it's better than I thought. Yes, there is a lot of hop up front and a momentary bitter rush on the finish, but you can also taste this nice bittersweet honeysuckle flavor. This is a very crisp beer with a nice medium body. It's quite refreshing. I thought this beer might be good with a variety of foods, so I raided the fridge and was proved correct. This is a solid beer, but sits on the edge of balance, a little more hop would have ruined it. Worth a try. Next up, my rant.
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