Not just content to go black, I,m going double dark, with Young's Luxury Double Chocolate Stout. This is an ale with real dark chocolate added. This pours a lovely dark brown at least as dark as the Xingu, I held it up to the light as well. As you would expect, the nose is a flood of chocolate that lingered well after I put the glass down. This is a stunningly creamy and delicious beer. There is a massive bittersweet chocolate flavor that lingers on the palate a long time. Eventually, you get the a little of the hop and a mellow smoky flavor on the finish. The whole lengthy experience of taking a sip is a shifting kaleidoscope chocolate flavors. The body on this stuff is surprisingly weak for a beer of this depth. I also find that after the minutes long finish you get a bit of weird bitterness in the mouth, but this is easily cured by continuing to drink.
I absolutely cannot conceive of a food item this would go with, it's flavors are so strong. But, I'll try popping milk chocolate almond bar in my mouth and see if like goes with like. Nope, the stout totally overwhelmed it. You could just treat it as a dessert in of itself. This beer is extremely impressive, but obviously you have to like chocolate a little. I'm not the biggest fan of chocolate but I'm a big fan of this beer.
This ends, for now, the showdown between white beers and black beers. The Allagash was the best of the whites but it couldn't hold a candle to either of these black beers. So in the end the blacks totally dominate. Kind of like an NBA game or a boxing match.
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